외국계 제약회사

Fullfill Heart, Design Dream
Opening Position


  • Company
  • 외국계 제약회사
  • Position
  • 제조관리약사
  • Status
  • OPEN

다음과 같이 외국계 제약회사에서 '제조관리약사'를 찾습니다.

* Job Title : 제조관리약사

* Position : 팀원급

* Location : 경기도


- Batch manufacturing/packaging directions and records management

- Management and supervision of GMP standard documents compliance

- Monitoring and management of manufacturing environment

- Reviewing and approving GMP documents

- Confirm all products are manufactured and documented for required quality under the appropriate procedures.

- RA preparation

- Complaint investigation related with Production Formulation.

- Audit response and related CAPA management

- Confirm that activities and products are followed by the management system of hygiene and storage.

- Reviewing GMP documents such as process validation protocol/report, cleaning validation protocol/report, qualification protocol/report, batch     manufacturing/packaging directions/records and so on.

- Other roles of Manufacturing QP were delegated.


- 4년제 대졸 이상, 약학 전공자

- 약사 면허 보유자

- 제약 회사 생산 근무 경력 보유자

- MFDS 표준, EU-GMP 및 기타 국제 GMP 표준에 대한 높은 이해도 보유자

- 원활한 커뮤니케이션 능력, GMP 지식 등 보유자

- 팀워크 및 갈등관리 능력 보유자

- 전략적 사고 및 고객/품질 중심 사고방식 보유자

- 문제해결 능력, 의사 결정 능력 보유자

- 긍정적인 사고방식 보유자

Those who are interested in this opportunity, please submit your Resume in MS Word Format by email urgently.

Only qualified candidates will be contacted for interview.

All resumes not contacted will be kept in DB confidentially for future positions.

Kyung Jin KIM

CEO & Executive Search Consultant

Exdigm Inc

Email: ceo@exdigm.com